SCI Journal Publications
Manashita Borah, D Das, A Gayan, F Fenton, E Cherry, “ Control and anticontrol of chaos in Fractional-order models of Diabetes, HIV, Dengue, Migraine, Parkinson’s and Ebola Virus diseases”, Chaos, Soliton & Fractals, vol. 153, 111419, 2021, Elsevier
Manashita Borah, BK Roy, T Kapitaniak, K Rajagopal, C Volos, “A revisit to the past Plague epidemic (India) versus the present Covid-19 pandemic: fractional-order chaotic model and fuzzy logic control,” European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2021, Springer
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Hidden multistability in four fractional-order memristive, meminductive and memcapacitive chaotic systems with bursting and boosting phenomena”, European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 230, pp. 1773–1783, 2021, Springer
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Systematic construction of high dimensional fractional-order hyperchaotic systems”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 131, 131, 109539, 2020, Elsevier. (accepted)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2019.109539
Manashita Borah, “On Coexistence of Fractional-order Hidden attractors”, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 090906-(11 pages) 2018, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Manashita Borah and B. K. Roy, “Fractional-order systems with diverse dynamical behaviour and their switching-parameter hybrid-synchronisation,” European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol 226, pp. 3747-3773, 2018, Springer.
Manashita Borah, P. Roy, Binoy K. Roy, “Enhanced Performance in Trajectory Tracking of a Ball and Plate System using Fractional Order Controller”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 76–86, 2018, Taylor & Francis.
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Design of Fractional-order Hyperchaotic Systems with Maximum Number of Positive Lyapunov Exponents and Their Antisynchronisation using Adaptive Control”, International Journal of Control, vol. 91, pp. 2615-2630, 2018, Taylor & Francis.
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “An enhanced multi-wing fractional-order chaotic system with coexisting attractors and switching hybrid synchronisation with its nonautonomous counterpart”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 102, pp. 372-386, 2017, Elsevier.
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Can fractional-order coexisting attractors undergo a rotational phenomenon?”, ISA Transactions, vol. 82, pp. 2-17, 2017, Elsevier.
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy,, “Dynamics of the Fractional-order Chaotic PMSG, its Stabilisation using Predictive Control and Circuit Validation,” IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 707 -716, 2017, 2016, IET, IEEE.
Manashita Borah, Piyush P. Singh, Binoy K. Roy, “Improved Chaotic Dynamics of a Fractional-Order System, its Chaos-Suppressed Synchronisation and Circuit Implementation”, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 35, issue (6), pp. 1871–1907, 2016, Springer.
Piyush P. Singh, Jay P. Singh, Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “On the construction of a New Chaotic System”, IFAC- Papers Online, vol. 49, issue (1), pp. 522-525, 2016, Elsevier.
- Claude Bernard -
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
*note: My Ph.D. Thesis is cited as a Reference material for Ph.D. students under the subject name ‘Fractional Order Control System’, subject code: “EE703”, which is a 5-credit subject for Ph.D. coursework in Department of Electrical Engineering, Tezpur University in 2019. It can be accessed from the link below:
International Conference Publications
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “A Novel Multi-wing Fractional-order Chaotic System, its Synchronisation Control and Application in Secure Communication”, IEEE International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), NIT Meghalaya, India, pp. 1-6, 1st -2nd June, 2018. (awarded best paper)
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Hidden Attractor Dynamics of a Novel Non-equilibrium Fractional-order Chaotic System and its Synchronisation Control”, IEEE Indian Control Conference, IIT Guwahati, India, pp. 450-455, 4-6th Jan, 2017.
Manashita Borah, Binoy K. Roy, “Switching Synchronisation Control between Integer-order and Fractional-order Dynamics of a Chaotic System”, IEEE Indian Control Conference, IIT Guwahati, India, pp. 456-461, 4-6th Jan, 2017.
Manashita Borah, P. Roy, Binoy K. Roy, “Synchronisation Control of a Novel Fractional-order Chaotic System with Hidden Attractor”, IEEE Students ‘Technology Symposium, IIT Kharagpur, 30th Sep- 2nd Oct, India, pp. 163-168, 2016. (awarded best poster paper)
P. Roy, Manashita Borah, L. Majhi, Binoy K. Roy, “Design and Implementation of FOPID Controllers by PSO, GSA and PSOGSA for MagLev System”, IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Computing and Communication, Assam University, Silchar, India, pp. 10-15, 14th -15th Sep, 2015.
Lalbahadur Majhi, Manashita Borah, P. Roy, “Fractional Order System Identification of Maglev Model from Real-Time Data”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), Ramanathapuram, India, pp. 211-213, 8th -10th May, 2014.
Manashita Borah, Lalbahadur Majhi, P. Roy, Binoy K. Roy, “Design of a Fractional Order PD Controller Tuned by Firefly Algorithm for Stability Control of the Nonlinear Ball and Plate System”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), Ramanathapuram, India, pp. 214-218, 8th -10th May, 2014.